hari Jumat kemarin have been a really great-great day :-)
nyaris bangun kesiangan tapi berhasil 'masuk' Jakarta sebelum jam 7 pagi.
sempat nerusin tidur dalam mobil di parkiran Plaza Bapindo.
sarapan roti Delicious yang yummy.
ke Tebet sama Sinta dan Intan. looking for a new maid even though we can't find a person with the criteria of what we looking for.
ngobrol sama Sinta soal krim anti aging.
meluncur ke Mall Taman Anggrek nyaris tanpa hambatan.
dapat parkir favorit di Taman Anggrek dan ketemu Eka tanpa harus menunggu lama.
menemani Eka belanja untuk her make over.
berhasil me-make over dandanan Eka dengan biaya minimalis.
beliin suami celana panjang merk favoritnya.
makan siang di food court.
tidak ada kemarahan satu titik pun setelah secara tidak sengaja menumpahkan sebotol air mineral dan membasahi celana jeans favorit.
dapat sandal cantik buat Eka.
melihat Eka tersenyum dan pipinya berseri-seri.
ternyata parkir di MTA lebih murah ketimbang parkir di Pasaraya!!!
lewat Jl. Panjang dan tidak macet!
menuju kantor suami dan find out that he still have works to do. and I decided to spent the time at Club Store and picked up my birthday present from them. thanks so much!
sambil nunggu suami selesai kerja, menghabiskan buku 'Dadaisme'-nya Dewi Sartika yang menang lomba Novel 2003.
jemput suami yang kelaparan pulang kerja.
enggak sempat jadi jenguk Linda yang sedang sakit karena sudah kemalaman.
makan di Soto Kudus Blok M, Santa, sambil nonton Indonesian Idol 'Coba Lagi Award'.
pulang ke Cinere. say hello to Jatisix people. it's 2 months away not to see you guys!!!
ngobrol ngalor ngidul sampai ngantuk.
pulang jam 11 malam dari Cinere.
sampai di Bekasi jam 23.30.
mandi dan beberes, naik ke tempat tidur jam 01.15.
whoa! thanks God for this lovely day!
June 11, 2004

Washington: A clever border collie that can fetch at least 200 objects by name may be living proof that dogs truly understand human language, German scientists reported yesterday.

Rico can figure out which object his master wants even if he has never heard the word before, the researchers say.

The findings, reported in the journal Science, may not surprise many dog owners.

But they are certain to re-ignite a debate over what language is and whether it is unique to humans.

Rico's abilities seem to follow a process called fast mapping, seen when young children start to learn to speak and understand language, the scientists report.

"(Rico) lives as a pet with his owners and was reported by them to know the labels of more than 200 items, mostly children's toys and balls, which he correctly retrieved on request," Julia Fischer of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig wrote.

His owners say "Rico, wo ist der (where is the) Banane (banana)" or "BigMac" or "Panda", and the dog searches, out of sight of the owner, until he finds the object.

"Rico's 'vocabulary size' is comparable to that of language-trained apes, dolphins, sea lions and parrots," Fischer wrote, while his retrieval rate is comparable to the performance of three-year-old toddlers.

Obviously, the scientists said, children have a deeper and broader understanding of words.

But it could be that some of the mechanisms underlying language evolved "before early humans were ready to talk". - Reuters